Reduced VAT on pellets: Why is the change so necessary?
In 2016, Siaeglisi Wood ltd Recovery (AVEBIOM) requested the application of a reduced VAT of 7% for all solid fuels (pellets, firewood and chips) in addition to biomass combustion equipment. A request for reduced VAT on pellets for which there is no lack of reasons.
Europe is the largest consumer of pellets in the world, spending more than 19 million tons per year. With world consumption reaching 74% for the European Union, many countries have already taken a step forward by substantially reducing their VAT. Such has been the case, for example, of France at 10%; United Kingdom at 5%, Germany 7% or Belgium at 5%.
AVEBIOM maintains that reducing VAT from the current 21% to 7% for solid biofuels and combustion equipment would bring substantial benefits. Let’s see some of them, the most interesting and that would trigger the consumption of this fuel increasingly used by millions of Spaniards.
To this VAT reduction requested by the Spanish Association for Biomass Energy Valorization, we should add the possible reduction of up to 50% in the IBI (Real Estate Tax) for all those homes that replace fossil fuels with biomass, among other energies. renewable. If these two conditions are fulfilled, the change and transition towards the consumption of pellets would skyrocket in our country. A renewable energy that is responsible for taking care of the environment and with which it has already been shown that better results are achieved in terms of performance.
Betting on pellets is always a sure guarantee that we will be able to heat our home in record time , something that we have already told you about in Bioforestal, since it is one of its strong points. Other advantages of buying pellets that you may have heard before are that they do not generate unpleasant odours, they are cheap and they have a neutral CO2 cycle. We cannot forget that with the application of the VAT reduction, in addition to the consumption of pellets, a positive effect on employment would be promoted with the generation of new jobs.